Remedly For Dark Circle / CUCUMBER - natural beauty of women
News Update

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Remedly For Dark Circle / CUCUMBER




Remember tkose Hollywood movies where women are seen 

relaxing at a spa with cucumber slices on their eyes?

 Well, there's a reason beyond gloss. With and mild astringent 

properties, cucumbers are completely equipped to -Fix tkose 

raccoon eyes. 13etter yet, they are soothing and refreshing too. 

Step 1: Lut a -Fresh cucumber into thick slices and chill it -For 

about 30 minutes. 

Step 2.: Place the slices on tke dark circles about 10 minutes. 

Step 3: Wash the area thoroughly with water. 

Note: Repeat this process twice a clay -For one week to see results

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