Homemade Recipes Against Facial Hair - natural beauty of women
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Saturday, October 9, 2021

Homemade Recipes Against Facial Hair

Homemade Recipes Against Facial Hair

Have you ever thought that you will find out the possibility to 

remove hair from your face at home in comfort, using simple 

tools that can be found in every house? Hair on the face can 

often become a real problem for women of different age. They 

start to feel shaky and the procedure of removing with the 

help of wax or tweezers is rather painful and unpleasant.

All the women can face the problem of excess hair growing on 

their face. Sometimes it is not very noticeable but in other 

cases dark hairs can be very unpleasant. Women feel 

embarrassed and it can become not only cosmetic but also 

psychological problem.

Basic methods which are used to remove facial hair

All the common methods of removing of hair cannot be 

applied to your face because of one simple reason: skin on 

your face is very sensitive, especially areas above your lips, 

chin and forehead. So you will agree that waxing will be like a 

torture and the irritation will be guaranteed. As for shaving 

then it shouldn`t be worth trying because it can aggravate the 

condition and hair growth will speed up.

So what would you say about removing hair from your face, 

staying at home and using safe natural components which are 

always at hand? So we will tell you how to do this procedure 

effectively and without any possible pain.

Natural methods of hair removing at home

If you have always been sure that removing of hair takes a lot 

of time and energy then you were wrong. Hair on women`s 

face is thin and gentle and they can easily be removed by 

massaging after they have been soften. There exist some 

components that will help to reduce hair growth avoiding side 

effects and in some cases even stop this process. You may be 

surprised but these natural components are lemon, sugar, 

honey and flour. And now we will tell you how to make special 

remedies using these useful ingredients and how to apply 


Lemon & Honey hair removal

First you should mix for parts of honey with one part of lemon 


Then take a cotton pad and wipe your face with this lotion and 

leave it for fifteen minutes.

Wash up your face with warm water.

You should do it twice a week and when you will see the effect, 

you can reduce it to one time a week.

You may use the lotion made of lemon juice, water and sugar. 

Dissolve one part of sugar in five parts of water and add a few 

drops if lemon juice. Apply this lotion just as it was mentioned 

above. This remedy is able not just to remove hair but also to 

reduce its growth.

Chickpea & lemon remedy

You should make a paste of a spoon of cream, two spoons of 

chickpea and a few drops of lemon juice and a bit of water.

Then apply this mask on your face and leave it for twenty 

minutes in order for it to dry.

Then peel your face with this dried substance. After it you 

should take some milk to remove dry mass which was left on 

your face and wipe it gently.

If you do this twice a week then in a couple of weeks you will 

see the progressive effect.

Sugar & Corn flour & Egg hair removing mask

You should make a mask by mixing glair, sugar and corn flour 

and making a smooth mass of it.

Apply it on your face and leave it until it becomes dry.

Then scrub the dried paste against the hair growth, which will 

give the effect of waxing and reduce hair growth.

To achieve the best result, repeat this procedure twice a week.

These remedies will not bring the effect in one day. You 

should be patient and use them systematically. The result will 

be seen in two or even three weeks. Hairs will become thinner 

and thinner and will gradually disappear thanks to these 

homemade remedies.

They are not just very effective in hair removing but they also 

are very useful for your skin, because they are based on 

natural products which are, by the way, available. They help to 

cleanse it and it looks shiny. So we hope that all these tips will 

help you to get rid of this problem and be beautiful and 


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